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a little about me...

Hey! I am extremely lucky to have met so many incredible people in this field of work, including clients, vendors AND competitors. I thoroughly believe in supporting other small businesses and community over competition.


Some fun facts about me;

- I graduated from FIT in advertising (business)

- I started at FIT in Interior design

- I went back to school for another degree in Graphic design

- My total years in college? 9! Ew.

- I regret nothing

- I am now a proud self taught lifestyle and wedding photographer, with a few degrees to help me run my own successful photography business.


And last but not least, I have 2 toddlers who tip me on a scale between losing my mind and sheer, unequatable happiness. My husband is my rock, biggest supporter and occasional light-stand-holding-assistant or master of making kids laugh - and my family means the world to me. They are my reason for working my tail off, to be the best example of a strong and passionate woman for my children and husband - to create and keep on creating as long as I love what I do.

xoxo erin cynthia

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